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Bryce’s Story

Bryce’s story provides a sense of hope that regardless of your circumstances you can achieve great things.

Bryce is the driving force behind the Trust’s formation. While socialising with friends in 2007, Bryce suffered a high-level spinal injury, severely damaging his spinal cord, from a shallow water diving accident. During his rehabilitation, Bryce considered the thought of never being able to fish again and wondered what if he could design and build a boat that would allow individuals with a disability or illness to get out on the water and go fishing? How would this opportunity enhance the lives of those people and their families who would not be able to do this otherwise?

It was at this very point in 2007 that the ‘Wish4Fish’ dream was born. Although now with only 4% function and his own mountains to climb every day, it is Bryce’s and the Wish4Fish team’s ongoing commitment to making a positive impact, that has brought us to the point we find ourselves at today.

Bryce’s Documentary, The Story of Wish4Fish

This is Bryce’s journey and the story of Wish4Fish – a powerful and emotional journey, an inspiration to everyone!

P 021 616 601

Make a donation

Make a donation today and empower individuals with a physical or mental disability, illness or financial hardship, to benefit from the confidence building and therapeutic freedom of being on NZ’s ocean waters.


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