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Fundraise for us

If you are planning to raise funds for Wish4Fish, or you’ve already raised some money for Wish4Fish and wish to pay it in, please contact us and we’ll be in touch – thank you, thank you, thank you! Your help is very much appreciated.

Here's some examples of how it's done

If you think you or your team could come up with an idea to raise some money for the charity please make sure to hit us up and we will do what we can to help out.

Matamata Lions Club

The Matamata Lions Club held a charity dinner and auction and raised $23,600!

You could book per person or book a table of 8.  The night included a lucky draw for two to enjoy a cruise on our new boat.  There were spot prizes and a fantastic auction as well as dinner!

Bryce was a guest speaker and knocked it out of the park!

Thank you Matamata Lions Club, you guys are awesome!

F45 The Mount

The crew from F45 The Mount wanted to help fundraise some money for the charity so they decided to do 5 hours worth of burpees!!!!

Between their 3 teams they were able to complete over 15,000 burpees and raise over $7,000 for the charity. Wow what an amazing effort and one that we are so grateful for.

Raffle Fundraiser

Chris Grainger ran an online raffle fundraiser and raised an awesome $2,670.00

Chris primarily used Instagram, arranged sponsors and managed the raffle.  Chris will also be joining us as crew on our trips to Auckland. 

Thanks Chris!

P 021 616 601

Make a donation

Make a donation today and empower individuals with a physical or mental disability, illness or financial hardship, to benefit from the confidence building and therapeutic freedom of being on NZ’s ocean waters.


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